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St Munchin’s Catholic School


1 Isdell Place, Gosnells WA 6110

(08) 9234 7555


Online Absentees

Sequere Veritatem…Follow Truth

Encouraging each child to follow the teachings of Christ to guide them through life’s journey.

Western Australian Curriculum

The Pre-primary to Year 10 Western Australian curriculum provides a coherent and comprehensive set of prescribed content and achievement standards which schools will use to plan student learning programs, assess student progress and report to parents.

The Western Australian curriculum currently encompasses ACARA’s Australian curriculum English, mathematics, science and history.

In addition, year-level syllabuses for Humanities and Social Sciences, Health and Physical Education, Technologies and The Arts have been released for familiarisation.

The Western Australian syllabuses remain broadly consistent with the Australian curriculum but have been contextualised to make them more suitable for Western Australian students and teachers.

The achievement standards for Humanities and Social Sciences and Health and Physical Education have been published with Technologies, The Arts and Languages to be be progressively published during 2016.

Given the phased implementation of the Western Australian curriculum, schools may be teaching some learning areas from the Western Australian curriculum supplemented by learning areas described in the former Western Australian Curriculum Framework.

More information regarding the Western Australian Curriculum can be found on the Western Australian Curriculum website.

St Munchin’s Teaching and Learning Areas



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