School Factions
In 2006, St Munchin’s Catholic School named its four factions. The names chosen linked with some personalities and places who had made a significant contribution to the establishment and growth of St Munchin’s. The faction names are Carmody, Limerick, Clarke and Canning.
Carmody – Fr Carmody was the first parish priest at St Munchin’s. Although he was born in Ireland he spent many years here, in Perth. He established this Parish and set about to build St Munchin’s Catholic School located near Albany Highway. The church and school were later moved to the existing site. This symbol represents Jesus. Through his vocation, Fr Carmody was carrying out the work of Jesus in this parish.
Limerick – In the early 1900s, Fr O’Grady who worked in the area, had a little wooden church built and dedicated it to St Munchin, patron of his birth-place, County Limerick, in Ireland. The Parish of St Munchin’s in Ireland is located in the county of Limerick. St Munchin lived there in the second century and established a church and places of education. The shamrock and the colour are strongly linked to Ireland and our Irish history.
Clarke – Sr Julian Clarke, from the Sisters of Mercy, was the first principal of St Munchin’s Catholic School. When the school commenced there were 53 students. There were two teachers, Sr Julian and Sr (Marcella) Gabrielle. Sr Julian was a very gifted educator. She had a wonderful rapport with staff, students and parents. Her faith, leadership and energy inspired our community and the charism and spirit of the Sisters of Mercy continues to live in us today. The Mercy cross is borrowed from the Sisters of Mercy to acknowledge the order to which Sr Julian Clarke belonged.
Canning – The site of the original St Munchin’s school was along the Canning River. The students would eat their lunch by the river. The Aboriginal symbol for river was chosen as it is a link to our heritage and the Aboriginal people who first lived in this area